Take the last few weeks for instance. It's been pretty uninspiring up until around mid January, bit of wet, lots of wind and dark, dark, dark. Then, all of a sudden a cold snap, and the place changes beyond all recognition, ignoring the BBC and their ridiculous reporting of the weather, as if we're into some sort of modern day ice age, this little cold front from the North has been very welcome.
Last week, I had 3 night rides on fairlie moor. In the depths of our hottest summers, I don't manage 3 night rides on fairlie moor... But when all of a sudden, trails that have been wet, marshy and generally quite slow become like lightning quick, dry and uber grippy, you better bet I'll be out more than usual. Indeed, I was gutted when I ventured up into the moor last week and found that the thaw was well and truly on. Until 2016.......
I've had a few really nice local-ish rides recently, including a really good day with some mates from the Glasgow club up in the Kilpatricks above Glasgow, that's an area I've been meaning to ride for a few years, but sort of taken for granted. I'll definitely be back there, some really nice, snaking singletrack and so close to home too.
Some really great days up on fairlie moor too, as ever. I used to think ayrshire was pretty shit for MTB, but it's only in the last few years that I've appreciated what we have here, not just in the shire, but within a very short drive or train journey, lots of folks down south would love the sheer volume of options we have.
And, after all that, we come to the point. Spring. Is. Nearly. Here. I spotted a huge patch of snowdrops and a few crocuses last week at St quivox kirk, that made me so happy, it really did. It's not really the seasons that I love per se, it's the transitions from each to the next, the promise of what is to come next, so to speak. But, the best part of this time of year, it's planning. I love to sit with maps and plan where I'm going to go in the year ahead, and this year is no different. A few Enduro races, lots of lakes and cairngorm weekends, a week in Spain with good friends and so, so much more, not to mention the first ever enduro here in ayrshire.
Roll on 2015 and all you bring for us, I'm in.
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